A man sits on a beanbag playing video games on a large screen console

At the Foot of the MegaTree: Game Overview

“At the Foot of the MegaTree” was envisioned as a sequel to the critically acclaimed “Jet Set Willy,” developed by Matthew Smith. The original game, released in the early 1980s, became a staple of home computing entertainment, captivating players with its challenging gameplay and expansive mansion exploration.

Creation and Development

Matthew Smith, the creative mind behind Jet Set Willy, started working on “The MegaTree” as its sequel. This new game was supposed to build upon the success of its predecessor, offering an even larger world for players to explore and more intricate puzzles to solve.

Despite the anticipation and potential, development of “The MegaTree” was abandoned in September 1984. Various factors contributed to this decision, including the shifting dynamics of the video game industry and personal challenges faced by Smith during the development process.

Game Overview and Features

A classic 8-bit video game screen depicting a character at the base of a tree
  • Planned Gameplay Mechanics: “The MegaTree” aimed to elevate the platforming and exploration elements of Jet Set Willy. The game was set to introduce a vast, vertically structured world centered around the eponymous MegaTree, offering new challenges and environments.
  • Visuals and Design: Leveraging the graphical capabilities of the era, “The MegaTree” was expected to feature detailed pixel art and innovative level designs, pushing the boundaries of what was possible in 1980s home computing.


Even though “At the Foot of the MegaTree” was never released, its creation remains an interesting part of gaming history. It highlights the ambitious goals developers have had for improving gaming experiences. The story of Jet Set Willy and its unreleased sequel still captivates developers and gamers, showing that even failed projects can influence the gaming community in meaningful ways.

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